воскресенье, 6 мая 2018 г.

Free forex tema wordpress

Grátis Premium Wordpress Themes.

Um tema Wordpress está sempre em demanda. Obter o tema certo do WP em seu blog / site wordpres fará com que seu site se destaque e seja mais atraente para os visitantes. Use o nosso site para encontrar os melhores temas wordpress rápido e fácil.

não procure mais.

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Tema de WordPress Forex Titan.

Tema de WordPress Forex Titan.

Titan Forex & # 8211; Um tema WordPress grátis.

Adequado para nicho de componente, este Tema de WordPress grátis ajustará qualquer preferência de desígnio e levará o site abolicionamente a um desígnio de Web site novo sem igual e grande.

Nossa coleção contém um grande número de temas gratuitos para WordPress.

* Televisão Financeira ao Vivo.

* Preços de ações ao vivo, gráficos e amp; Cotação de Cotação.

* Preços de Forex ao Vivo, Gráficos & amp; Cotações de preços de Forex.

* Preços de Commodities ao Vivo, Gráficos & amp; Cotações de preço de commodities.

- Página de opções de tema para configurar o tema.

- Redimensionamento automático de imagens para miniaturas.

- Post aleatório automático.

- Ib (Introducing Broker) anúncios de banner prontos.

- Caixa de bate-papo pronta (para notícias ou sinais de atualização)

- Incluir CALENDÁRIO ECONÔMICO (atualização automática a cada segundo)

Principais temas WordPress para sites Forex.

Em tempos econômicos difíceis, algumas pessoas tendem a abandonar seus investimentos para economizar dinheiro, enquanto outras percebem novas oportunidades e alcançam grandes resultados. Se você é um membro do último grupo, confira a lista dos cinco principais temas WordPress para um novo site de afiliados Forex.

Forex PRO parece muito bem pensado através de um tema que oferece um bom layout de conteúdo e introduz algumas soluções otimizadas especialmente para o mercado Forex. Além disso, é gratuito para uso pessoal e comercial (licenciado como um produto Creative Commons).

Algumas das características que merecem destaque:

página de opções de tema personalizado, redimensionamento automático de imagens para miniaturas, compatível com 125 banners, SEO otimizado, HTML e CSS válidos, botões de redes sociais, áreas de widgets.

Outro tema do mesmo criador. Este apresenta um layout de conteúdo igualmente bom e compatibilidade com o mercado Forex. O design é um pouco mais pesado, o que pode ser mais adequado para alguns sites. Mais uma vez, o tema é gratuito para uso pessoal e comercial.

Algumas das características que merecem destaque:

página de opções de tema personalizado, redimensionamento automático de imagens para miniaturas, compatível com 125 banners, SEO otimizado, HTML e CSS válidos, botões de redes sociais, áreas de widgets.

Ganhar Forex WordPress Tema.

O tema apresenta um design claro e fácil de entender que vem com um espaço pronto para anúncios para 125 banners. Além disso, há também um bloco onde você pode exibir as taxas de câmbio ao vivo e uma lista dos principais corretores.

O tema é gratuito e pode ser usado com sucesso para criar um site com mais conteúdo, em vez de um simples blog de afiliados.

Outros recursos que merecem destaque são: a presença de códigos de acesso e o suporte a jQuery para elementos animados.

O Forexpress é um tema desenvolvido pela Web2Feel. É um tema livre, oferecendo um layout de três colunas e várias áreas de widgets (dentro do design da barra lateral dupla).

Algumas das características que merecem destaque:

layout do tema da revista, menus de navegação JS, posts em destaque bloco com galeria JS, seção de vídeo em destaque, 125 banners, página de login personalizada do AdSense-ready, conversor de moeda, página de opções de tema personalizado.

Este é um tema desenvolvido por Flytonic & # 8211; uma empresa que já cobrimos várias vezes aqui no CAP. É o único tema premium nesta lista (US $ 99 por licença).

No interior, o tema é perfeitamente adequado para trabalhar com um site Forex, sites de negociação binários, sites de negociação de opções e outros sites baseados no nicho financeiro.

O tema fornece várias áreas de widgets, códigos de acesso e outras possibilidades de personalização.

Um outro elemento que torna este tema interessante é seu design responsivo, o que significa que ele se ajustará à resolução da tela que o visitante está usando para visualizar o site. Especialmente útil se você está pensando em levar suas ofertas móveis.

20+ Melhores Temas WordPress Responsive Free 2018 para criar sites Awesome Looking.

O WordPress agora provou não ser apenas uma plataforma de blogs incrível, mas também o mais popular Content Management System (CMS) do nosso tempo. Actualmente, é responsável por mais de 27% do total da web, incluindo o ThemeGrill. 🙂

Com o crescente uso e popularidade do WordPress, o número de temas WordPress também está aumentando rapidamente. Existem milhares de temas gratuitos de WordPress responsivos por aí, mas os de qualidade são sempre difíceis de encontrar. Assim, escolhi alguns dos temas WordPress responsivos gratuitos de qualidade que o ajudarão a criar sites de aparência impressionante. Você pode criar um blog pessoal, revista, empresa, corporativo, fotografia, portfólio e qualquer tipo de sites com esses temas. Os temas mencionados abaixo são responsivos ao mesmo tempo, o que significa que seu site ficará incrível em desktops, laptops, tablets e dispositivos portáteis.

Espero que essa lista ajude você a encontrar o tema que melhor se adequará ao seu site e que ele se destaque entre os outros. Eu tentei coletar temas que cobrem uma gama diversificada de uso e ajudá-lo a criar a partir de um site de blogs simples para um site de negócios avançado.

Haverá obstáculos, haverá erros, mas com muito trabalho, não há limites. Afinal, o trabalho duro compensa. O tema Flash é o resultado de uma longa pesquisa e trabalho consistente de desenvolvedores apaixonados do WordPress no ThemeGrill. O design refinado e as funções perfeitas são incríveis - inacreditáveis ​​em um tema livre. Não confie em mim, verifique as demonstrações de tema você mesmo.

Flash é um tema WordPress responsivo multipurpose totalmente flexível GRÁTIS. Construído com o construtor de páginas do Site Origin e com o plugin Flash Toolkit, ele oferece uma interface super fácil para personalizar o tema. Plugin Flash Toolkit vem com 11 + widgets personalizados impressionantes que você pode colocar em qualquer lugar que você gosta. Portanto, você pode adicionar e personalizar várias seções como sobre, título, serviço, call to action, equipe, portfólio, controle deslizante etc.

Além disso, o tema Flash inclui o WordPress Live Customizer, suporte WooCommerce, opção CSS personalizada, várias opções de cores, ícones sociais, etc. É um tema avançado que qualquer um pode usar sem usar código - basta seguir as instruções do tema e não Tempo.

Espaçoso é nosso principal produto. Ele é baixado mais de 900 vezes por dia, em média, o que só fala de sua popularidade e uso. Você pode ver mais estatísticas e comentários aqui.

Espaçoso é um tema responsivo multipurpose incrivelmente espaçoso codificado & amp; Concebido com muito cuidado e amor. Você pode usá-lo para o seu negócio, portfólio, blog ou qualquer tipo de site. Como o nome sugere, queríamos dar mais espaço para conteúdo e mais espaço entre as seções para destacar o tema. Tem 4 layouts de página, 2 modelos de página, 4 tipos de exibição de blog, 13 áreas de widgets, 5 widgets personalizados com foco no modelo de negócios, controle deslizante incrível, opção de cor principal para corresponder ao seu logotipo & amp; website, caixa e & amp; layout amplo, luz & amp; pele de cor escura, tradução pronta e muito mais.

Para se familiarizar mais com o tema, você pode ver as instruções do tema aqui e os tutoriais em vídeo aqui. Tal como acontece com todos os nossos temas, o suporte para o tema é totalmente gratuito. Tem alguma confusão com o tema, basta colocar suas dúvidas aqui.

Você já pensou em ter um tema e usá-lo para vários sites? Bem, quero dizer um tema que é suficiente para criar sites para uma ampla gama de propósitos e nichos, incluindo negócios, agência, corporativo ou portfólio.

Se sim, aqui está o que você precisa - Basta. É um tema WordPress altamente flexível, poderoso e provavelmente o mais personalizável de todos os tempos. Assim como o nome sugere, o tema é suficiente para qualquer pessoa que queira criar vários sites para várias finalidades. O tema é totalmente personalizável, de modo a permitir que você crie qualquer tipo de site que você gosta.

O Suffice é um recurso de arrastar e soltar responsivo gratuito do Word Press, desenvolvido com o plug-in Suffice Toolkit e o Page Builder by SiteOrigin. O tema apresenta opções de personalização estendida e design elegante, juntamente com simplicidade e facilidade de uso. O Suffice Toolkit contém mais de 11 widgets customizados que você pode facilmente adicionar, misturar e combinar nas páginas, posts e outras áreas prontas para widget. Portanto, iniciantes sem qualquer experiência de codificação também podem criar rapidamente sites profissionais usando esse tema. Além disso, você pode importar a demonstração do tema com um único clique, personalizar e obter um site pronto em questão de minutos.

Zerif Lite.

Zerif Lite é limpo e moderno estilo de uma página WordPress responsivo tema que passa a ser o principal produto de ThemeIsle. É um dos temas WordPress gratuitos mais populares de todos os tempos. O bom pessoal sobre ThemeIsle dar prioridade máxima em fazer um tema simples e fácil de usar. E, sim, este tema é um pedaço de bolo para usar e configurar.

Este tema é adequado para negócios de agências web, negócios corporativos, personal & amp; portfólio de negócios de paralaxe, fotografia, estúdio digital, vitrine de produtos e muito mais. Suporta populares plugins WordPress como WooCommerce e WPML premium plugin que ajudarão você a criar e-commerce e site multilíngüe, respectivamente. O tema ficará espetacular em qualquer dispositivo de sua escolha.

O Zerif Lite é totalmente baseado na ferramenta Customizer que permite que você visualize ao vivo todas as alterações e modificações que você fizer. É simples e fácil de usar, você criará um site completo em nenhum momento.

Uma bela criação de aThemes, Sydney é um dos mais populares temas gratuitos do WordPress no repositório oficial do WP. Você ficará surpreso ao ver o design elegante e os recursos incomparáveis ​​que o tema oferece para que você crie uma incrível presença on-line.

Sydney é um poderoso tema WordPress de negócios com fundos de paralaxe. O tema é totalmente responsivo, de modo que o conteúdo do site com certeza pareça incrível em qualquer dispositivo, garantindo uma excelente experiência do usuário. Sydney é um tema simples, fácil de usar e rico em recursos. Ele é baseado no Live WordPress Customizer para que você possa personalizar o tema rapidamente com visualizações ao vivo. Você vai adorar muitas possibilidades de personalização que o tema ofereceu.

Possui controle deslizante de tela inteira, controle de cores, controle de layout, navegação pegajosa, fontes do Google, imagem de cabeçalho, ícones sociais etc. Acima de tudo, os blocos de página principal são incríveis - você pode criar instantaneamente uma página inicial excelente usando os blocos fornecidos pelo tema . Uma homepage inspiradora ajudará você a se destacar - a primeira impressão é a última.

Você está em busca de uma revista responsiva gratuita do WordPress? Então, não procure mais sua pesquisa para aqui. Este é o primeiro tema de WordPress totalmente em estilo de revista da ThemeGrill.

Adequado para notícias, jornais, revistas, publicações, negócios e qualquer tipo de sites. Este tema pode, sem dúvida, competir com qualquer tema de estilo de revista premium lá fora. O ColorMag dará ao seu blog ou site de revista uma aparência bonita, moderna, limpa, nítida, polida e bem organizada. Apenas se concentre em escrever ótimos conteúdos e adicionar imagens impressionantes em seu site de revista, tudo será suavemente tratado por este tema. Se você é um amante de um site de revista colorido, então você encontrará a cor diferente para diferentes categorias disponíveis neste tema para ser um interessante. Deixe as cores falarem por sua respectiva categoria.

Nós colocamos muita pesquisa e trabalho de esforço para tornar este tema um ajuste perfeito para o seu site de revista. Experimente, você não pode encontrar tema mais fácil do que isso.

Himalaia é rock-solid estilo moderno livre uma página parallax responsivo WordPress tema. Informe aos seus visitantes tudo o que eles precisam saber diretamente de sua home page sem precisar ir às outras páginas. Himalaia pode ser usado para negócios, portfólio, corporativo, agência, fotografia, freelancers e quase todos os tipos de sites.

Exiba todos os serviços, portfólios, blogs, membros da equipe, botões de apelo à ação, sobre página, página de contato de sua empresa ou site em uma página. Todas essas seções na home page são, na verdade, widgets. Adicione estes widgets à Barra lateral da Página Frontal, crie um menu personalizado e o site de uma página está definido. Se você ficar confuso, visite esta página de instruções.

Como todas essas seções são widgets, basta rolá-las para cima e para baixo na & # 8216; Front Page Sidebar & # 8217; e você obtém o controle completo da ordem da seção em uma página. A suave rolagem para a respectiva seção enquanto clica nos itens do menu é fascinante. O tema também tem controle deslizante grande largura total no topo para destacar algumas de suas páginas. Caso você precise de recursos adicionais, ele também tem a versão pro que você pode conferir aqui. Se você está procurando um tema de uma página, então não procure mais Himalaia certamente pode ser a próxima cara do seu site e você vai adorar.


Accelerate é um tema WordPress multiuso feito para simplicidade e facilidade de uso. O tema é responsivo, projetado para fortalecer o seu site e dar impressão impressionante aos seus visitantes, mantendo tudo simples e fácil.

O tema tem recursos impressionantes, como o box & amp; layout amplo, cor primária, controle deslizante da página inicial que ajudará a tornar seu tema próprio. O modelo de negócios e os widgets personalizados, como o TG: Services, o TG: Call to Action, o TG: Recent Work, criam um site de negócios incrível, tornando seu negócio mais avançado e forte do que o dos concorrentes. A área do widget de cabeçalho disponível ajudará você a colocar qualquer conteúdo que desejar no cabeçalho e destacá-lo com os widgets de sua escolha. Esse tema é uma obra de arte que tem essa aparência e comportamento que farão com que seu site se destaque. Suporta todos os formatos de postagem. Assim, o blog com esse tema será incrível.

Uma coisa interessante, este nosso & # 8216; Blog do ThemeGrill & # 8217; também usa esse tema Accelerate. É um tema infantil com poucas pequenas alterações apenas. Experimente esse tema e dê ao seu site uma aparência profissional para atrair visitantes.

Llorix One Lite.

Diga olá a um dos temas livres mais flexíveis de 2016, 2017 e 2018 nesta lista de temas. Llorix One Lite é um dos temas WordPress gratuitos no WordPress: o repositório oficial de temas gratuitos do WordPress.

Llorix One Lite vem com um belo design de uma página que é muito fácil de usar e personalizar. Com seu efeito elegante de paralaxe, esse tema certamente causará uma boa impressão nos visitantes do seu site. O tema pode ser usado para pequenas empresas, aplicativos móveis de inicialização, agências, empresas, portfólio de fotografia e muito mais. O tema é totalmente compatível com toneladas de plugins populares como WooCommerce, WPML, bbPress, Galeria de Fotos, Formulário de Contato 7, Meta Slider, SiteOrigin Page Builder, JetPack e muitos outros plugins que aumentam a flexibilidade deste tema incrível. Experimente este tema, o Llorix One Lite pode certamente ser a próxima cara do seu site.

Ample é o mais recente tema responsivo multiuso WordPress. O site ajudará você a criar sites de negócios, blogs, portfólios ou revistas de aparência moderna.

Controle deslizante de largura total no topo parece incrível. O tema tem um modelo de negócio, juntamente com widgets customizados customizados para criar um site de negócios incrível e profissional. O que torna este modelo de negócio fantástico é a imagem de fundo, a cor de fundo e o efeito de paralaxe podem ser aplicados a diferentes secções do tema, tornando o tema único. Geralmente, isso está disponível apenas em temas premium, mas disponibilizamos isso com a Ample para corresponder à qualidade & amp; sensação de temas premium. O tema pode encolher e crescer de acordo com sua exigência.

eStore é um dos temas originais e mais recentes de WooCommerce para 2018. O mundo está mudando e assim é o mundo da web, eCommerce tornou-se um dos aspectos importantes para qualquer negócio. Agora, quando se trata de loja on-line, é muito importante que você seja capaz de exibir seus produtos em destaque, categoria de produtos, itens mais vendidos e simplesmente falar todos os seus produtos de maneira fácil e organizada. Agora, o tema eStore faz exatamente o mesmo.

A eStore levou tudo para o próximo nível. Carrinho, checkout, página de coleta de categoria, página da loja e tudo é projetado com o máximo cuidado. O modelo eStore WooCommerce oferece controle total sobre como deve ser seu site. É tudo widgetized, em termos simples: você pode mover tudo para cima e para baixo como você gosta. Indo um passo adiante, ele não só tem incrível integração com o plugin WooCommerce, mas também com o plugin YITH WooCommerce, seus visitantes da loja agora podem criar uma lista de desejos de produtos em sua loja e depois voltar e comprar.

eStore é realmente adequado para outros fins também & # 8211; crie uma bela revista ou site de blogs. Confira esta demonstração de revista. Aqui está a página de instruções para este tema.

Talon é um tema WordPress multiuso adequado para vários tipos de empresas e nichos de sites. O tema é cuidadosamente codificado pelos desenvolvedores profissionais para atender à sua necessidade de um tema moderno, garantindo as melhores práticas do WordPress. Você vai encontrar o tema incrivelmente fácil de usar, simples e poderoso.

O tema é rico em recursos e oferece muitos recursos de personalização para que você tenha a liberdade de criar um site adequado à sua empresa / marca. Você pode personalizar a maioria das opções de tema da ferramenta legal do personalizador instantaneamente. Altere as cores, fontes, ícones, rodapé e muito mais do personalizador com visualizações ao vivo.

Além disso, o suporte ao construtor de páginas torna o tema incrível. O tema Talon tem uma profunda integração com o plugin Page Builder do SiteOrigin, que permite criar belas páginas para o seu site de negócios. Além disso, o tema apresenta fontes do Google, vários layouts de blogs, rodapé widgetizado, estilos de cabeçalho, etc.

O tema Otimizador é um tema WordPress multiuso que o ajudará a otimizar sua marca e seus negócios. É um dos temas livres mais flexíveis suportados por incríveis widgets de arrastar e soltar. Você pode criar rapidamente um site de design exclusivo com aparência profissional com este tema usando os widgets úteis e ferramenta personalizador ao vivo.

O tema é fluido responsivo, que se encaixa perfeitamente com qualquer dispositivo. O conteúdo do seu site ficará incrível nas telas dos dispositivos móveis sem perder nenhum conteúdo. Além disso, é leve, para que seu site seja carregado mais rápido, garantindo uma incrível experiência do usuário. Na verdade, ninguém irá amaldiçoar pela velocidade do site.

O tema do Otimizador é SEO amigável, que é codificado com as melhores tecnologias WordPress. Crie conteúdo incrível e publique-o lindamente, o seu site certamente obterá melhores classificações no Google e em outros mecanismos de pesquisa. Está pronto para tradução - traduza facilmente para qualquer idioma que você quiser.

Everly Lite.

Se você é fã de design limpo e minimalista com a mistura de design clássico e moderno, Everly Lite é certamente um tema perfeito para você. É um tema WordPress elegante e agradável para blogueiros, fotógrafos, jornalistas e profissionais de todas as esferas da vida.

O tema oferece um design incomparavelmente elegante e bonito para que o conteúdo do site pareça impressionante e impressionante para os visitantes do site. Ele oferece vários layouts de sites (4 demos para versão gratuita) - padrão com layouts da barra lateral, estilo de grade, largura total e estilo de revista. Além disso, você pode personalizar o design do site como por sua imaginação facilmente e construir sites bonitos.

Criado com SEO e UX em mente, é totalmente responsivo, rápido e pronto para retina. Como o Google toma velocidade como um importante fator de classificação, o Everly Lite mantém o código livre de alta qualidade, limpo e desordenado para que seu site carregue mais rápido. Além disso, possui integração de mídia social, códigos de acesso, postagens de áudio e vídeo, incorporação de vídeo, assinatura de e-mail etc.

O Vantage é um revolucionário tema WordPress gratuito do SiteOrigin, o mesmo autor por trás do SiteOrigin PageBuilder, que é o mais popular construtor de páginas grátis. Este tema e PageBuilder foram feitos lado a lado para que a integração entre eles seja impecável, dando a você o superpoder de criar qualquer site, desde um simples blog até um site de negócios avançado.

A Vantage também trabalha com outros plugins populares como o Meta Slider e o WooCommerce. Assim, você pode destacar seu conteúdo com o Meta Slider em qualquer lugar e transformar seu site em Loja para vender produtos. Vantage é um tema que cresce e encolhe com suas necessidades. Você pode optar por não instalar nenhum dos plug-ins suportados, se não precisar deles, e o Vantage continuará trabalhando sem problemas.

Baixe o Vantage e descubra a beleza de um tema que permite escolher exatamente o que você quer que seja.


Se você está procurando um tema que suporte perfeitamente o WooCommerce para transformar seu site em loja, então o Storefront é o tema para você. Na verdade, esse tema é de WooThemes, mesmo autor / equipe por trás do plugin WooCommere. Montra é um & amp; intuitivo & amp; tema WordPress flexível e gratuito que oferece profunda integração com o WooCommerce. É a plataforma perfeita para o seu próximo projeto WooCommerce.

A vitrine foi criada e mantida pelos principais desenvolvedores do WooCommerce, para que você tenha a certeza de que a integração entre as extensões WooCommerce, WooCommerce e Storefront é impermeável. O tempo de atividade é de extrema importância para qualquer site de comércio eletrônico. Diga adeus ao medo de conflitos entre o tema e o plug-in durante as principais atualizações do WooCommerce. Se você quer olhar diferente fantasia, então eles têm algum tema infantil, bem como ter suas demandas cobertas. Você pode experimentar Deli e Boutique. Você pode encontrar mais em sua página de produtos, basta clicar no link abaixo.


GeneratePress é tema WordPress multiuso responsivo livre. O tema é leve, poderoso, rápido e fácil de usar.

O autor colocou muito esforço e imaginação em tornar este tema super fácil, super flexível, super rápido e SEO amigável. O GeneratePress usa microdados para se comunicar de forma eficaz com os mecanismos de pesquisa e é baseado em uma estrutura CSS amigável que mostra aos mecanismos de pesquisa seu conteúdo importante primeiro. Você pode melhorar o uso do tema usando plug-ins populares como WooCommerce, bbPress e BuddyPress, pois o tema suporta perfeitamente todos esses plugins. O tema é totalmente compatível com o IE8. Se você é um desenvolvedor e quer usar este tema para o seu projeto de cliente, então o & amp; Filtros presentes no tema fornecem muita flexibilidade.

Se você quiser adicionar mais funcionalidades ao tema, pode comprar o plug-in premium que ajuda a alterar muitas coisas, como tipografia, cores, planos de fundo, cabeçalho de página e muito mais.

Fit Coach é gratuito responsivo WordPress Theme, que é perfeito para qualquer pessoa ou empresa baseada em torno de classes ou um cronograma. Se você tem um fitness, yoga, ginásio, site de treinamento, então este tema será um ajuste perfeito.

Tal como acontece com outros temas de Modern Themes, este tema também está repleto de recursos úteis que lhe darão controle total sobre o tema. Alguns dos incríveis recursos incluídos neste tema são opções de cores ilimitadas, seletor de fonte do google, conteúdo de amostra xml e muito mais. Todas as opções disponíveis estão na tela Personalizar do painel, altere qualquer coisa e visualize-a antes de salvar as alterações.

Moesia é um tema WordPress muito sólido. Você vai adorar os recursos e design oferecidos pelo tema. A imagem grande do cabeçalho parece legal e ajuda a criar impressionantes impressões para seus visitantes.

Moesia é um tema de negócios marcante que você pode usar para criar uma presença on-line eficaz. Escolha entre onze blocos pré-definidos e crie a homepage que melhor se adapte à sua empresa. Cada um dos blocos da página inicial pode ter uma imagem de fundo paralaxe & amp; Recurso de cor de fundo juntamente com efeitos animados dão o tema visual moderno que pode ser combinado com temas premium. Moesia também possui uma seleção de Google Fonts, dois tipos de layouts para a página do blog, animações e efeitos interessantes, um cabeçalho de paralaxe e muito mais.

"Sparkling" é um tema de design plano, moderno e limpo desenvolvido usando o Bootstrap 3. A estrutura de frontend otimiza este tema para smartphones, tablets, desktops e qualquer outro dispositivo. Com design perfeito de pixels, widgets impressionantes e controle deslizante em tela cheia, ele se destaca entre os temas do WordPress. Ele tem uma aparência premium que não pode ser confundida com nada no mercado.

O tema é SEO friendly com estrutura compatível com o esquema que fará com que o Google ama o seu site. O tema suporta a maioria, se não todos os plugins gratuitos e premium, como Gravity Forms, Contact Form 7, SEO por Yoast, W3 Total Cache e muitos mais. Este é um tema ideal para sites pessoais e corporativos em saúde, fitness, educação, finanças, negócios, viagens, web design, marketing ou qualquer outro nicho.

Gridsby é um tema gratuito de WordPress para fotografia, desenhado e feito à mão para fotógrafos. Encontrar um tema adequado para os fotógrafos pode ser difícil, mas esse tema tornará esse trabalho mais fácil para você. O tema mostra suas fotos no estilo pinterest direto da página inicial, o que torna isso ainda mais incrível. As imagens são destacadas aos olhos dos usuários, enquanto o texto permanece na parte de trás, dando foco total às imagens.

O Gridsby tem design responsivo, elementos de design prontos para retina e inclui um método fácil para postar fotos na galeria da primeira página. Pode ser simples, mas a simplicidade proporciona uma ótima aparência que deve ser perfeita para coleta de inspiração, registro de fotos e muito mais.

Onetone é um maravilhoso tema de uma página WordPress. É grátis, mas funciona como um prêmio. Tem design responsivo e é construído em HTML5 e CSS3.

Como um tema criado para os negócios, a página inicial de uma página fornece todas as informações da sua empresa na página. Além disso, oferece a maior liberdade para personalizar sua página inicial, por exemplo, você pode personalizar o vídeo de fundo, a galeria e a área inferior na qual você pode colocar qualquer coisa. Na seção de galeria, o layout amigável permite que você exiba seus produtos competitivos facilmente. O Onetone adapta o design responsivo, o que faz com que ele funcione bem em todos os desktops, tablets PCs e dispositivos móveis, incluindo iPhone, iPad, Samsung Galaxy Note, Galaxy Tab, etc.

Se você quer construir um site limpo, branco e impressionante, Powen pode ser uma escolha ideal para você. O tema é moderno e charmoso.

A seção de cabeçalho está limpa com muito espaço em branco, consiste em dois menus que deslizam do lado quando clicados. Se você quiser criar um site social, os ícones sociais na parte superior ajudarão você a fazer exatamente isso. Powen foi especialmente concebido para sites de blogs, no entanto, pode ser facilmente personalizado para qualquer finalidade. Como ele oferece muitas opções de personalização, o controle deslizante na parte superior ajuda a destacar seu conteúdo. O tema vem com muitos recursos impressionantes como widget de posts recentes, plano de fundo personalizado, marcação semântica amigável do mecanismo de busca, excelente suporte a temas infantis, configurações de tema e muito mais.

O Stargazer é um dos temas mais avançados para enfeitar o universo do WordPress. O tema é feito por Justin Tadlock, que é um dos administradores do WordPress no wordpress. Existem poucos temas que possuem muitos recursos e ainda seguem as melhores práticas e padrões de codificação, o Stargazer é um deles.

O tema é construído sobre a estrutura sólida do Hybrid Core. Ele usa o personalizador de temas incorporado do WordPress para oferecer opções de personalização diretamente para você. O tema é responsivo e ficará incrível em qualquer dispositivo de sua escolha. Suporta formatos de posts para que seus vídeos, imagens e áudios tenham uma aparência fantástica. Como qualquer bom tema, ele é pronto para tradução e compatível com RTL. Além disso, você encontrará vários temas infantis para esse tema no link abaixo. Você pode tentar alterá-los entre o design e os recursos.

Eu adicionarei mais à lista.

Sanjip Shah.

Fundador na ThemeGrill. Começou o WordPress no início de 2012. Sabe como projetar e codificar. No meu tempo livre, eu me ocupo de filmes, amigos, jogos on-line como o Dota 2 e muito mais coisas aleatórias. Siga-me no twitter em @sanjipshah.

108 pensamentos sobre & ldquo; 20+ Melhores Temas WordPress Responsive Free 2018 para criar sites Awesome Looking & rdquo;

Procurando por um tema wordpress responsivo para o meu marketing meu negócio de estúdio. Seems Moesia vai caber nas minhas necessidades.

Você pode por favor me sugerir outras alternativas?

Moesia é realmente uma excelente escolha. A imagem grande do cabeçalho ajuda a causar boa impressão nos usuários. O construtor de páginas junto com widgets customizados torna o tema ainda mais personalizável e você pode construir qualquer layout que desejar. O fundo de paralaxe para diferentes seções dão ao tema aparência moderna.

Você pode experimentar o Ample, que é o tema mais recente do ThemeGrill, especialmente projetado para criar um tema de negócios. Eu teria que dizer que, como todos os temas são gratuitos, você pode tentar alguém e encontrar um ajuste perfeito para você.

Oi, Recentemente, desenvolvemos livre wordpress blog tema para todos que ama design simples e minimalista. Ele é chamado de “Briar” e é construído em uma estrutura de bootstrap com recursos como layout responsivo, animações de paralaxe, etc.

Ficaria muito grato se você pudesse listar este tema em seu blog e nos ajudar a espalhar uma palavra sobre isso.

Apenas verifiquei o seu tema e ele realmente parece legal. Vou pensar em escrever sobre este tema em nosso outro post que se adequar a este tema. Obrigado.

Essa é uma ótima lista de temas Sanjip! E a melhor parte é que todos eles são gratuitos! Eu definitivamente vou vê-los para o meu próximo projeto. Obrigado por compartilhar.

muito boa coleção.

Obrigado pela lista Sanjip. O número de temas do WordPress é impressionante. Eu tive alguma experiência com o WordPress alguns anos atrás, então provavelmente pode gerenciar o tema ok, uma vez instalado. Preciso de um tema simples que seja bom para promover um livro que escrevi e permitir postagens com comentários do leitor. Se tivesse uma maneira de permitir que os leitores recebessem downloads de livros depois de enviar e-mails e senhas, isso seria ótimo (não sei se isso é uma função do wordpress ou um complemento).

Realmente incrível coleção gratuita. Mas com o tema Zerif Lite eu sou incapaz de mudar o logotipo do zerif. Existe alguma melhor maneira de obter passeio desses problemas.

Eu pesquisei e baixei vários desses temas. Houve alguns vencedores, mas devo dizer que vários foram desapontadores, se não completamente mal codificados E irritantes em suas táticas para coletar informações ou levá-lo a outros downloads de software & # 8211; sempre uma proposição assustadora. Por favor, verifique toda a lista de temas mais uma vez.

Eu pessoalmente baixei e testei esses temas. Eu mesmo como desenvolvedor, não vejo nenhum dos temas acima sendo mal codificados ou levando a outros downloads de software. Se você pudesse ser específico sobre qual tema você está se referindo, então eu gostaria de verificá-lo mais uma vez. Obrigado.

OI Eu estou olhando para começar um site de serviço de limpeza de zeladoria comercial com um desses temas, qual você sugere.

Eu estou procurando por tema para o meu novo projeto. Aqui eu encontrei um tema de design de site responsivo. Obrigado.

Todas as coleções de temas responsivos do wordpress são boas. Bom mundo.

Todos os temas são impressionantes e bonitos. Eu definitivamente compro para o meu próximo projeto.

Toda a coleção é muito útil. Obrigado por compartilhar.

boa coleção de temas responsivos wp. Meu favorito é o tema Zerif Lite. obrigado por compartilhar.

Esta lista de temas do wordpress é muito boa e útil para mim.

Temas encantadores. Planejando usá-lo!

Obrigado pelo seu compartilhamento, eu estou encontrando um restaurante responsivo e elegante WP Theme para o meu site. Você pode sugerir para mim algum tema WP de alta qualidade?

Oi, vou pensar em adicionar uma lista para os temas responsivos do restaurante WP em breve. Enquanto isso, acabamos de lançar um novo plugin para criar ótimos menus de restaurantes que você pode conferir em themegrill / plugins / restaurantpress /. Você pode usar este plugin com qualquer um dos nossos temas ou temas na lista acima.

Obrigado por sua sugestão. Aguardo com expectativa a sua coleção de temas de WP de restaurantes responsivos.

Obrigado por compartilhar.

Esta é uma grande coleção de temas livres do wordpress. Obrigado Sanjip Shah por compartilhar esta coleção de temas com a gente.

grande coleção Sanjip. Obrigado pela primeira vez que vejo Onetone e eu estou apaixonada por este tema!

Eu baixei Ample, mas a imagem do cabeçalho não está disponível, você tem que usar o seu próprio. Estou fazendo algo errado ou deveria estar em branco?

Sim, você precisa enviar suas próprias imagens. Você pode ver a instrução aqui themegrill / theme-instruction / ample /. Além disso, você fica preso em algum lugar onde você pode colocar sua consulta aqui themegrill / support-forum /.

Eu me pergunto se é importante ter um tema responsivo?

Obrigado por seu comentário. Sim, é muito importante ter um site responsivo, pois há muitos visitantes apenas de dispositivos móveis. Se você pesquisar no google, você pode obter as estatísticas sobre os usuários móveis também.

Obrigado por compartilhar a lista. Ecommerce temas que são alimentados por WooCommerce, portanto, você pode escolher qualquer um dos temas WooCommerce para o seu multiuso. Por exemplo: Montra, é um tema muito flexível com várias demonstrações.

Obrigado pela ótima lista de temas do wordpress. há muitos temas interessantes por aí! Mas considere a velocidade do tema como um grande fator seo. código e estrutura tão limpos são importantes.

Bela coleção de temas que você compartilhou conosco. TemplateToaster também ajuda a gerar temas carregados de bootstrap totalmente responsivos em um tempo menor sem qualquer aborrecimento.

Eu estou olhando para começar um site de blog que terá um plugin de adesão e um plugin de e-mail. Eu gosto da aparência do tema Powen. Você acha que esse tema será adequado?

O tema Powen é um tema submetido no repositório do WordPress, de modo que ele flui os padrões de revisão de tema do WordPress. Portanto, ele deve funcionar com qualquer plug-in padrão do WordPress, a menos que o plug-in exija um tipo especial de codificação de integração do tema. Como esse tema é gratuito, experimente. 🙂

Coleção incrível & # 8230; Estou apaixonada por todos os temas aqui.

Eu vou tentar um para o meu outro blog.

Eu te amo, obrigado por compartilhar. Deus te abençoê.

Muito legal. Obrigado pela sua partilha.

Nossa coleção incrível! Apenas o que eu precisava, encontrei um que eu vou usar para um de nossos projetos pessoais.

Melhor coleção de temas obrigado.

Minha pergunta é como posso adicionar o menu principal em & # 8220; POWEN & # 8221; versão gratuita, conforme mostrado em & # 8220; POWEN & # 8221; Versão PRO. Em vez de dois menus responsivos que estão no topo do lado direito e esquerdo no tema POWEN.

Eu acho que o respectivo autor / suporte do tema pode fornecer-lhe uma melhor ajuda sobre este tema para que você possa entrar em contato com o tema aqui supernovathemes / support /.

algum desses temas contém a opção de pesquisa de preenchimento automático? todos os temas são muito bons, mas eu preciso dessa opção.

Na verdade, esse recurso está sob o território do plug-in. Em termos simples, você poderia procurar por esses plugins aqui wordpress / plugins. Você pode começar com este plugin wordpress / plugins / search-autocomplete /. 🙂 Espero que isso ajude.

Incrível coleção Obrigado.

Obrigado por compartilhar este artigo útil mano ..

Grande coleção !! Estou servindo de tema para o meu projeto e achei o Accelerate adequado para o meu nicho. Obrigado.

Eu usei o Ample para um novo blog de moda relacionado a moda em agnesmarques e foi muito legal usá-lo. Em breve vou para a versão Pro!

Obrigado pela listagem! Eu usei o tema WordPress Sparkling por um tempo e é muito bom.

coleção incrível! Eu gosto disso, obrigado por compartilhar. Deus te abençoê.

Obrigado pela informação. você tem ótimas coleções.

tema legal e responsivo que a coisa boa sobre este tema .. Eu realmente gosto obrigado pela parte.

Agora, estou procurando um tema para um dos meus sites, preciso de um tema responsivo e atraente, acho que preciso falar com você.

All the themes in the above list are responsive and eye-catching (I have selected the ones that are designed beautiful and pleasant to the eyes). So, you can go ahead and try any of the themes above.

If you have a unique requirement for your site then you can contact me via themegrill/contact/ and I will see what help I can provide.

Lovely Collection. The Free themes are getting better each and everyday. 🙂

Sim, exatamente. In fact, if we choose a nice themes from best authors, those themes will beat some of the premium ones as well. 🙂

Great summary. I have used Himalayas for one of my previous sites before. Clean, simple and well thought out. I also like the easy one page navigational style.

If any of your readers are new to WordPress and would like a guide to what to look for, I recently wrote a blog on the topic. It can help hone their search and best select one of the themes you have listed here.

Thanks for dropping by the comment. You can go ahead and add the link in the comment reply. I am certain that it will help some of the visitors here. 🙂

I already use the colormag theme for my blog. good collection.

Fantastic Research and Implementation I loved it !

Você pode ajudar? im searching for a nature based template (tags:nature, envirnoment, organic)

You can try the ‘Spacious’ tema. You can select the ‘primary color’ of your choice that would fit your nature based site. This primary color will reflect tin links, buttons and other areas of the theme, and will give the nature based feel to your site. And again, you could use the boxed layout and add a background image (suitable for your site). In addition to that a header image can also come useful. And there are many other options that you could utilize in this theme.

Hope this theme will be helpful to you. 🙂

what a great information, hopefully I can enjoy one of these theme for my blog… thank you so much, keep posting.

Its a nice collection but you forgot to mention some most popular themes such as Customizr, OnePress etc…

Yes, those are brilliant themes actually. 🙂 As mentioned at the end of the post, I will be adding more to the list when I get some free time. And I will be adding these two as well. Obrigado pela sugestão.

Thanks for sharing this great list. 🙂

Nice Post, Thanks For Sharing This Information.

Hello , Your site and post both are great one thing I notice is that image load very slowly in this site comparing to other sites. Por favor resolva este problema.

Thanks for your comment and also for the feedback on our site. We are using lazy load effect for images so that will result in less loading time for pages. May be that is causing the images to show a little late, we will definitely check on it.

So many great themes under one post. Great job, you have listed best themes here.

Thanks a lot for sharing some excellent themes idea with us. We can select our best themes from your list. I have worked with “Llorix One Lite” and it worked very nicely. I am really satisfied with this themes.

Nice collection of WordPress theme according to almost all category and types. WordPress is the top blogging platform and have a great great collection of Free and paid WordPress theme which is used by millions of Online Bloggers.

Thanks for Sharing these themes with Us.

list is amazing, appreciated.

I have been looking for some free themes to show my photos for some time now… Fortunately I came across your selection, and my real problem is that they ALL look great . I could use an advice on which one is the most customizable and featured… and free (with no ‘premium version’ adding all the options I want).

Have a nice day, and thanks again 🙂

I think you can use the Vantage theme mentioned above in this list. This theme does not have the pro version and there is a page builder SiteOrigin Pagebuilder by this same theme author. With this plugin and the theme, I think you can create the any layout you want and you can customize the theme any way you like. This plugins supports many widgets and widgets from other plugins as well. So, any type of content can be created as well.

Espero que esta informação ajude. You too have a nice day. 🙂

ColorMag is very very very good. Obrigado cara.

Can you help about a question? I want to use buddypress. Can I use in all of those themes? Or only Generate Press? I would like to undesrtand why, if not!

You can surely use BuddyPress with all of the themes yet some of the themes might not be 100% compatible with BuddyPress. So, it’s better to learn well before switching in any theme.

Hope this helped you.

Thanks for sharing this amazing FREE responsive themes collection with us.

Zerif Lite is one of my favorite WordPress theme. It’s fully responsive design, complete documentation, customized features, and it other features makes it favorite to me.

I am looking for a right theme for my blog. Its more than a year. I have been using the same theme. Hopefully, I can find a much better theme. Thanks for sharing this list.

Great Collection of Templates.

Great post with a nice collection of premium WordPress themes you have shared with us. Thanks for compiling such a useful responsive WordPress premium theme collection. and I am using ‘Charity’ responsive, flexible and Bootstrap powered theme for charitable trusts, non-profit organizations, NGO, small charity firms.

This is actually a collection of FREE WordPress themes, not the premium themes.

Anyways thanks for sharing your experience with us. Hope the theme may be a great alternative for our post readers as well.

Can you share the demo file for “himalayas” theme with me. mail it to (obachasteventures@gmail)

You can import the demo file for Himalayas Pro theme using ThemeGrill demo importer plugin while demo import feature for Himalayas FREE theme is not yet available.

Yet we have provided demo import feature in our other popular FREE themes which you can see and download from the link here: themegrill/theme-demo-file-downloads/

Thank you for the list Sanjip. What theme would you pick or recommend for a life coaching/Mindfulness coaching?

Você é bem vindo.

Well, we have a collection of the best FREE WordPress Fitness themes. Please go through the list, pick anyone and create a website for life coaching/ mindfulness coaching.

Espero que isto ajude. 🙂

Hi , Thanks for your good collection , i got Stargazer theme for my blog . And more question i want to move hosting to HostGator Should I buy hosting at it not so?

Nice to know that you like our collection.

Regarding your question, I suggest you do an online research on ‘WordPress Hosting Providers’. Rather than saying that ONE Hosting is superior to ANOTHER, I think you have to choose depending on your need, budget, traffic stats etc. There are actually various types of hosting plans. So you have enough options. Espero que isto ajude. 🙂

Thanks for Sharing, its a really Amazing Collection.

I have used Biznetic for one of my client’s site. it has lots of interesting features.

hi am looking for a good responsive woodpress theme that has footer widgets, infinite down scroll, that displays authors profile, slide function, and adsense compatibility.

You can use any of the above-mentioned WordPress themes as they are completely responsive and they provide most of the features that you mentioned. Second, the features not provided in the theme by default can be easily added using easy to use plugins. Espero que isto ajude.

Your blog held my interest right to the very end, which is not always an easy thing to do.

I am looking a theme for my trekking blog but i could not what i want.

We have another collection of WordPress blog themes. Please check this post: themegrill/blog/free-personal-blog-wordpress-themes/

I am pretty sure that you’ll find a great theme for your trekking blog.

Hi, First of all, these responsive WordPress themes are the great collection. All of them are fully responsive, its hard to choose one from them. Obrigado por compartilhar.

Please provide revolution theme if possible.

All the themes on this list are multipurpose themes so you can customize them well for any purpose, be it revolution or health or business. You can try our new theme Flash which is feature-rich and multipurpose. Flash theme comes with plenty of drag and drop widgets which let you create any type of site you want. Read more about flash theme here: themegrill/blog/free-multipurpose-wordpress-theme-flash/

Thankyou so much.

nice theme i love it, Suffice Toolkit contains more than 11 handy custom widgets which you can easily add, mix and match on the pages, posts as well as other widget-ready areas. Therefore, beginners without any coding experience also can quickly create professional websites using this theme. Also, you can import the theme demo with a single click, customize, and get a website ready in a matter of minutes.

Nice collection sir . My favorite theme stargazer. I will choose this..

Great article for every wordpress developer. Or one who designs website with using wordpress.

Thank you For this Awesome Collection Sir.

thanks for the beautiful collection. i found mine.

Forex WordPress Theme - Exclusivamente para os comerciantes.

Forex WordPress Theme foi construído exclusivamente para Forex Traders e Financial Analysts. Então, se você tiver um blog ou este será o seu primeiro, o nosso tema Forex pode ser uma ótima solução moderna para você. Conte ao mundo sobre suas previsões, análises fundamentais e técnicas.

Se você tiver dúvidas e problemas sobre a instalação e personalização deste modelo, que não são abordados na documentação, sinta-se à vontade para enviar seu ticket da página de suporte - teremos prazer em ajudá-lo com tudo.

Fontes e Créditos.

Abra o Sans do google webfont. Oswald do google webfont.

As imagens usadas no Morguefile na visualização ao vivo não são incluídas no modelo.

30+ Free High Quality WordPress Themes Worth Checking Out in 2017.

When I first started working with WordPress many years ago, themes in the WordPress Theme Directory were “okay.” That is to say, they weren’t great but they did the job well until it was time to get serious and buy a premium theme. But times, they are a-changin’.

Theme shops have changed the game, lifting the standard of themes you’ll find in the free repository with free versions of their products. And these free versions come complete with features you would have previously only found in premium themes like WooCommerce support and responsive design.

Gone are the days when downloading a free theme meant settling for a subpar theme. Now you can – and should – expect a well-coded theme that’s completely customizable using the Theme Customizer.

Here’s our list of the some of the best free WordPress themes you’ll find in the WordPress Theme Directory that have been developed by premium theme shops, plus a few released by independent theme developers.

Flash is a good-looking multipurpose theme with a minimalist aesthetic – ideal for business and corporate sites. It features multiple pre-built demos, which you can import in seconds using the ThemeGrill Demo Importer plugin. The theme also integrates with the Flash Toolkit plugin (available to download for free from the WordPress Plugin Directory) and SiteOrigin’s Page Builder plugin (which you can also download and use for free), making this theme user-friendly to set up and use.

Other features of this theme include a responsive design, multiple blog layouts, Woocommerce support, multiple header styles, multiple color options, boxed and wide layout, 6+ widget areas and 11+ custom widgets, product filters, plus it’s optimized for speed and SEO. And if you want even more features, there’s a pro version of this theme available for $69.

Interested in Flash?

If looks are deceiving, as the saying goes, then Shapely is a perfect example. On the surface, this free WordPress theme appears simplistic and, I hate to say it, doesn’t seem to have much going on in terms of features. But when you look beneath the surface, this versatile one page WordPress theme comes with a bunch of customization options, not to mention multiple homepage widgets that can be used to add portfolio, testimonials, parallax sections, product and service information, call to action button and much more.

Shapely also supports most free and premium WordPress plugins, including like WooCommerce, Jetpack, Gravity Forms and Contact Form 7 – reassuring when you’re setting up a site that relies on some of these popular plugins. It’s obviously a multipurpose theme and with the right content and images is ideal for business, magazines, blogs and personal sites.

Other features worth noting include that fact it’s responsive and SEO optimized, and mobile-friendly.

Interested in Shapely?

Sydney is a slick business theme with a gorgeous fullscreen sliding (or static) header and nice touches like subtle animated text slide-ins and hover animations. This theme is a great option for businesses and offers plenty of customization options, including Google Fonts, unlimited color combinations, and sticky navigation. It’s super easy to set everything up using the WordPress Theme Customizer.

The homepage uses “blocks,” which you can drag and drop and rearrange how you want it to look. You can also set parallax background images for any row of blocks, which is pretty cool. Like other contemporary themes, it’s responsive and translation-ready.

Interested in Sydney?

Spirit is a high-end professional profile theme that features stunning imagery, clean typography and custom-built touches. Its ideals for personal trainers, yoga studios, wellness clinics, in fact, any business that focuses on healthy living. Spirit’s logical design helps you highlight your products and services with customizable CTAs, testimonials and pre-built pages. It also comes with lots of pre-built custom elements, like galleries and contact forms.

It has a wonderful “coastal” color palette that is stunning, but you can change this up with your own collection of colors. It goes without saying that this theme is responsive and translation-ready (aren’t all themes these days?), and can be completely customized thanks to the Upfront theme platform the theme has been built on.

Interested in Spirit?

Scribe is a beautiful artisanal theme for WordPress that is sophisticated and stylish. With Scribe, it’s all in the detail. Everything about this theme is custom from the stylish gallery to the font pairings, page templates, bold imagery, list layouts and textured backgrounds.

This theme is ideal for small businesses that have an edge and want their online presence to match. Think Etsy-style shops that sell handcrafted jewelry, bookbinders, made-to-order leather bags and personalized stationary.

Interested in Scribe?

From its colorful one-page layout to its wall-to-wall mega header slider and rainbow of colors, Fixer demands your attention – and is exactly the kind of bold online presence you need. This theme comes with all the standard features you need for your business and then some, including eye-catching CTAs, sliders, a sortable gallery, and custom page templates for your portfolio, blog, about and contact pages. But what I love most, though, is the easy to set up “Get a Quote” custom-built form – it looks really slick.

Other awesome features include the fact it’s translation-ready and responsive, and if you want to change up how this theme looks, it’s easy to add in full-width video, more sliders, fewer galleries, lots of images… This is a truly customizable theme only limited by your imagination.

Interested in Fixer?

Zerif Lite.

With more than 100,000 active installs, Zerif Lite is one of the most popular free themes available for WordPress. E é fácil perceber porquê. Thanks to its minimalist design, versatile layout and plethora of customizations, this theme is easy to mould into whatever site you want.

Built on BootStrap, it features a fullscreen header and support parallax backgrounds. It’s also compatible with WooCommerce, WPML for translation support, RTL (right to left). It also comes with the standard “must-haves” you would expect from any contemporary theme: it’s SEO-friendly, retina-ready and responsive.

Interested in Zerif Lite?

Whether you like this theme’s hipster namesake or not, there’s no denying this theme’s charm. Aesthetically, it’s gorgeous. The homepage features plenty of space to display posts but isn’t at all cluttered, making it perfect for bloggers, and in particular food bloggers (in case the demo images didn’t give it away!).

Want to set up an online shop? Kale is a great choice. It supports WooCommerce, a super popular eCommerce plugin for WordPress, making it easy to sell your product (maybe a collection of recipes?) in no time. It’s responsive, of course, and when you look under the hood, it supports other important stuff, like SEO and RTL.

Other cool features: built-in menus for displaying your social presence, multiple blog feed layouts, text and image logo options, sidebar size options (compact and default), banner/slider color overlay options, and more.

Interested in Kale?

Minimalist multipurpose themes are a dime a dozen these days, but what I like about Spacious is that it sticks to the basics: it’s responsive, supports eCommerce (WooCommerce in particular), it’s translation-ready, and has a lovely sliding header. Spacious comes with a heap of customizations you can play around with, including four page layouts, two page templates, four blog display types, 13 widget areas, five custom widgets tailored for business websites, color options to match your branding, boxed and wide layouts, and light and dark skins.

With the right images and content, this theme would be a great option for any business website.

Interested in Spacious?

Writee is a blogging theme, yes, but it makes its own rules. Borrowing from multipurpose themes, it features a large hero (slider, if you want) header, but also allows for a sidebar, which you don’t see all that often in themes these days. It comes with a heap of options for rich customizations, like a fullwidth or boxed header. It’s also translation-ready, which is super handy when most WordPress users speak English as a second language. There are also nice touches like custom widgets and, of course, you can use the Theme Customizer in the backend of WordPress to further customize the look and feel of your site.

Other features: responsive and mobile-friendly. Oh, and check out the typography – it really helps make this theme stand out.

Interested in Writee?

What I love about this BootStrap theme is the use of color. There isn’t a lot of color – a splash of yellow here, some purple there – but it’s used effectively to give this minimalist (there’s that word again!) theme some personality.

Thanks to the Theme Customizer in WordPress, it’s super easy to customize this theme however you like – colors, hero images, tweaking sections, you name it. And also thanks to its one page layouts, it’s perfect for businesses, agencies and even personal websites.

Like a lot of the free WordPress themes in this list, Illdy is compatible with WooCommerce and Font Awesome, and also supports popular plugins including Contact Form 7, Jetpack, and W3 Total Cache.

Interested in Illdy?

Fluida is a modern and grid-based WordPress theme that is pretty darn nice! It’s a HTML5/CSS theme, it’s responsive and, thanks to its framework, comes with more than 100 Theme Customizer settings. Yep, that’s a lot of settings!

The theme’s images have all been created using HTML5, CSS3 and icon fonts so it’s extremely fast to load. It’s also SEO, RTL and translation-ready, using microformats and Google readable Schema microdata. There are also 100+ social icons, three menus, six widget areas, eight page templates, and all post formats.

For developers who want to further customize Fluida using a child theme, there’s clean code, either hookable or pluggable functions with clear descriptions and more than 25 action hooks.

Interested in Fluida?

Parrot is a flexible tech-inspired business theme that’s perfect for helping you showcase your new product. Whether you’re preparing to release a new app, launching a new online service, or you just want to tell the world about a new WordPress plugin you’ve built, this themes includes everything you need to sell your stuff, including bold CTAs that are front-and-centre to help direct your visitors. Parrot’s clean navigation will ensure no visitor to your site is ever left scratching their head wondering where to find your products or services.

Other fantastic features include pre-built pages for features and downloads, galleries, clean typography and full-width video.

Interested in Parrot?

Panino is a vibrant and colorful one-pager theme aimed at cafes and restaurants. It features a custom-built hand-crafted tabulated menu, which you can modify to suit your branding. If you have a constantly changing menu, making updates is a breeze – it only takes a minute to update your food and drinks.

This theme comes with a custom-built image gallery and a cool lightbox for showing off your latest dishes or even photos of the inside of your restaurant – why not show off customers enjoying your food?

The theme’s header is fully customizable, which is vital, of course, because first impressions count! Whether you want to set a single header image, a slider or even a video, you can do all of that with Panino. It’s also translation-ready and looks fantastic on mobile.

Interested in Panino?

Smart typography choices can really make a theme, and Edge is no exception. This gorgeous theme makes the most of free Google Fonts, in particular Lato and Playfair Display, a great sans serif/serif combination.

Edge is easily customizable from the aptly named Theme Customizer in WordPress and is ideal for bloggers (with the sidebar) and businesses (without the sidebar and some homepage tweaking).

It’s also responsive, mobile-friendly, and optimized for speed.

Interested in Edge?

Another gorgeous WordPress theme that’s completely free. Seriously, the standard of themes in the WordPress repository has really lifted over the past couple of years!

Anissa is a theme for bloggers, and particularly female bloggers with its (cliche, I hate to say it!) feminine styling and elegant typography. It features a customer image header with text and you can upload your own logo to match. This theme also has a featured post carousel, which allows you to choose the category you want to use and the number of posts to display. Other nice touches include an “About Me” widget that allows you to add a photo and social media link, and you can add social links to the header.

Other important features worth noting: responsive design, mobile-friendly, WooCommerce compatible.

Interested in Anissa?

This beautiful magazine and blogging theme for WordPress sure has style. Brilliant features a fixed width homepage where you can feature your latest blog posts. There’s also a customizable sidebar for displaying comments, categories, and recent posts. In fact, everything is customizable in this theme (as it should be!) thanks to the Theme Customizer in the WordPress admin, so you can change colors, the header, widgets in the footer and more to suit your branding and style.

Yes, it’s a pretty simple theme, but if you’re looking for a no-nonsense theme to show off your words, and you’re not planning on opening an online store, then you can’t go wrong with this theme.

Interested in Brilliant?

I must admit, I got distracted looking at the preset templates for this theme. Dang, they’re gorgeous! But I digress… Optimizer is a fantastic multipurpose theme that comes with a whole lotta powerful features, including the ability to create a full blown site with drag and drop widgets, enabling you to add any type of content anywhere on your site without touching code.

Customizations include: fullwidth and boxed layout options, image slider, easy logo upload, 600+ fonts, the ability to add custom CSS, and unlimited color options. It’s responsive, SEO-friendly, optimized for mobile, retina and translation-ready. This theme also supports WooCommerce, bbPress, MailChimp, and Contact Form 7.

Interested in Optimizer?

With its stunning fullscreen header, Shop Isle is a bold eCommerce/BootStrap theme designed for WooCommerce stores. It’s pretty flexible, too – you can use it as a one page business site, and make customizations to take advantage of features like parallax. This theme also provides support for WPML for language translation, Photo Gallery grid, Contact Form 7, Meta Slider, SiteOrigin Page Builder and Jetpack. It’s also SEO friendly and responsive.

Shop Isle is also easy to tweak using the Theme Customizer in WordPress, so you can update fonts, colors, logos, social links and the theme layout.

Interested in Shop Isle?

Olsen Light.

Olsen is a straight up blogging theme for WordPress and features a traditional blog posts on the left and sidebar on the right design.

It features all the usual trimmings you’ll find in contemporary themes: custom widgets, social networking icons, and translation support and SEO support. It’s also completely customizable from the Theme Customizer in WordPress, so you can update the header, menus, layout, footer, and colors.

Interested in Olsen Light?

Teletype is a minimalist blogging theme built on BootStrap. It comes with a lovely masonry post layout and you can drag and drop to re-order sections on the homepage, which is pretty cool.

Features includes the ability to completely customize the homepage, including fonts (Google Fonts), colors, the header image, background colors, logo, social media icons and more. You can also turn the sidebar on and off, depending on your design preference. This theme is also translation ready.

Interested in Teletype?

Sensible WP.

Sensible WP is yet another responsive multipurpose theme. It’s pretty basic as far as multipurpose themes go and doesn’t offer WooCommerce support, so this theme is better suited to agencies and small businesses that don’t have plans to sell online.

As far as customizations go, you can control all the usual tweaks in the Theme Customizer, including colors, fonts, logo, and more. This theme also comes with XML demo content, which is handy for those who don’t like setting up a skeleton website. It’s also SEO and translation-friendly.

Interested in Sensible WP?

Despite its name, Eleganto is neither graceful or stylish, but it does have a slick design suited for businesses. The homepage is easily customizable and features cool animations and a assymetrical parallax effects, which you don’t see very often.

This theme is built on BootStrap and is responsive, SEO-friendly and translation-ready. Customizations include: unlimited color options, social links, parallax background effects, five portfolio animations, more than 100 theme options, custom background, sticky menu, left or/and right sidebars with five size options, slider, section carousel, testimonials carousel, blog section, and contact section with Contact Form 7 support. Eleganto is also WooCommerce compatible.

Interested in Eleganto?

Luke + Sara.

Whether you’re a wedding photographer, an artist or just love getting creative, share your work and sell your services with Luke + Sara’s modern design, full-width videos (including video header), and stunning image galleries.

This theme’s huge images steal the focus, thanks to Luke + Sara’s boxy image layouts, masonry portfolio, and mega sliders – all designed to show off your best work.

If you’re a business owner and looking to sell your wares, don’t miss this theme’s pre-built pricing page and table that will give visitors your site a quick overview of your services and prices. Luke + Sara is also responsive and translation-ready.

Interested in Luke + Sara?

This elegant WordPress theme is a delight to use thanks to its easy customization on the backend and stylish design on the front-end. Astrid features all the standard trimmings you would expect from any theme: customizable header, theme options via the Theme Customizer, and support for translations. The theme is also responsive, which is fairly standards for all new themes these days.

Astrid features a lovely hard header and clear CTA on the homepage, which is ideal for business websites. It’s also WooCommerce compatible if you’re looking for a simple, minimalist store theme.

Other nice touches: smooth scrolling and subtle animations.

Interested in Astrid?

I’m a big fan of Anders Norén’s themes minimalist WordPress themes and Hemingway is no exception. This simple theme is perfect for bloggers with its fullwidth header and standard blog posts on the left and sidebar on the right design. What I like about this theme is that, like Ernest Hemingway it’s namesake, it’s not trying to be flashy or over the top – the design shines through its economical design.

Features include: responsive design, parallax scrolling, custom accent colors, custom logo, and widgets for Video, Flickr and Dribbble. there are also some nice page templates, and the code is translation-ready.

Interested in Hemingway?

Another Anders Norén design, Hoffman is a beautifully minimal one page WordPress theme for bloggers. It has a thoughtful responsive design and the use of icon fonts makes sure that Hoffman looks great on devices of all sizes – big and small. This theme supports the gallery, quote and video post formats, all presented in unique and impactful ways. Standard run-of-the-mill posts look great as well. It comes with built-in support for the Jetpack plugin’s infinite scroll function and tiled gallery.

Hoffman includes five custom widgets for recent posts with thumbnails, recent comments with avatars, Flickr, Dribbble and video. You can also customize it further by changing the accent color, switching the background color or adding a background image. It also includes two page templates, support for post editor styles and support for theme translation. Included translations: Swedish/svenska.

Interested in Hoffman?

And another Anders Norén-designed WordPress theme! Lovecraft is a beautiful two-column WordPress theme for bloggers. It features a two-column design with considered typography choices – it really is a joy to read. The big header image makes a striking first impression and is replaced with the post thumbnail on single posts and pages.

Lovecraft has built-in support for Jetpacks Infinite Scroll function, which means that new posts will be loaded as soon as you reach the bottom of the page. You can also use the Jetpack Tiled Galleries function to display posts in a beautiful masonry grid. This theme is built to scale gracefully to any and all screen sizes – from a 27″ desktop display to a 3.5″ smartphone. The navigation and search form is hidden behind easy-to-access toggles on mobile. It also features editor styles, a full-width page template, three custom widgets and translation-ready code.

Interested in Lovecraft?

Okay, one last Anders Norén-designed WordPress theme. Fukasawa is a minimal masonry blog theme for photographers and collectors.

Fukasawa features a beautifully minimal layout that displays your posts, images and videos in a Pinterest-style grid. It’s perfect for sharing your content and, in particular, your images. There’s support for the image, video and gallery formats, and presents your galleries in a beautiful slideshow above your posts. Regular old posts look great as well.

Like other Anders Norén themes, Fukasawa enables you to load new posts without reloading the page using Jetpack’s Infinite Scroll feature, and display your images in a beautiful grid with Jetpack Tiles Galleries.

You can also change the accent color, upload your own logo and use the sidebar widget area (including five custom widgets) to give Fukasawa a personal touch.

Interested in Fukasawa?

Gillie is an elegant business theme designed for YouTuber who want to grow their following. It includes all the key elements you need to share tutorials, course materials and make your passion a fully-fledged business. Build your user base with slider CTA overlays, testimonials, eye-catching imagery, free downloads and easy access to your channel.

Scattered image placement, testimonials, and promotional text make your home page feel more like an invitation than a sales pitch. Expand your reach and create a new stream of income with a dedicated site for building your user base. There are pre-styled MarketPress and WooCommerce page layouts that enabled you to get a shop up and running without any customization, so you can start selling everything from downloadable sheet music to physical copies of your latest album.

Interested in Gillie?

This magazine-style design is ideal for taking your print publication to a digital audience. Issue will make it easy for your subscribers to find articles that match their interests thanks to its strong use of typography, image buttons and simple search, giving readers quick access to blog posts and articles.

Issue includes space for advertisement strategically placed throughout the site. Run a special, promote a local business and generate additional income. The included contact page provides a simple way for users to get in touch. The big interactive Google map, built-in contact form and stylish social icons are both visually appealing and functional.

Interested in Issue?

Make is a free open source builder theme that – according to its developers – has been refined over 5,198 times. Okay, that’s a lot of development time, but what makes it special? Its biggest feature is its intuitive Make Layout Engine, which is basically a page builder for WordPress. It’s designed to work like a native component of the WordPress page editor, so if you feel comfortable writing a post, it won’t be much of a learning curve getting used to building pages.

You can take care of all customizations using the Theme Customizer in WordPress. Every detail, big or small, is yours to customize, including fonts, line height, spacing, even word spacing.

Make is WooCommerce compatible, so if your plan is to build an online shop you won’t have any trouble selling physical products. If you want to sell digital goods, Make is compatible with Easy Digital Downloads. And if you want to add forms to your site, simply drop in Gravity Forms.

This theme is also responsive, SEO-friendly and retina-ready.

Interested in Make?

Raelene Morey : View a list of posts by this author.

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18 respostas

Very useful post but I think you miss one of the best free themes with a pro version; GeneratePress.

It’s super fast, clean code and for just $ 39,95 you can use it on unlimited sites with almost customizing every pixel. I use it on 45+ websites now :-)

Cool, I’ll check it out :)

I’ve recently had to look through themes for three completely different types of businesses. One site is for a café, another for custom jewelry, another for software. There are themes slightly targeted to these “vertical” applications. (Note the awesome evolution of WP here where blogging is now just a feature, not the primary application.) The more time I spend looking at themes the more I’m able to differentiate them based on immediate suitability for the application, ease of use, customizability without getting into code, and basic functionality. Some free themes are really just a tease for an up-sell. Others are so good that I feel like paying the developer, even for their free theme, just so they don’t lose interest in their work. My approach is to install a theme, spend about 30 minutes in the Customizer, and see what it takes to modify the home page, a single post page, and the various widgets and menus. If it’s not feeling good in 30 minutes then it gets uninstalled.

And for me that’s really at the heart of all of this. I no longer look for great themes. I look for themes that serve the immediate purpose adequately. Theme developers get bored. They move on to the next fun project. They don’t want to look back and maintain what they’ve already created. WP changes frequently and developers are looking to create new themes, not to retrofit existing ones. So, as much fun as it is to look for great themes, the reality is that “good enough” is acceptable. We shouldn’t spend too much time looking for “great”, because we’re going to have to do this at least once per year if we’re going to keep a site fresh and functional. There is a never-ending stream of “high quality themes for 2014/15/16/17/+..”.

It does help to look for consistent developers who produce a new good theme with each new WP update. In business terms, getting a completely new theme from a new developer is going to cost time=money. Developers come and go so (unfortunately) if you’re doing this for a living it probably makes good sense to align yourself with a single theme publisher where there is more than one developer. This helps to get the consistency of the vendor, not the individual.

I’m really sorry WPMU DEV, but I recently spent a lot of time with Upfront/Parrot and was not impressed. This is at least the third time that I’ve given this parent theme an opportunity for a new site. It failed in many ways when editing individual pages, and was frustrating and inadequate to create a common multi-page site. I absolutely will not install Upfront or related child themes for at least another year. Perhaps by then you’ll have worked out the multitude of usability issues and overall inadequacies. Please don’t ask what the problems were. I started to document the issues in my 30 minute re-review but after spending 2+ hours with more note taking about problems than progress on a web page I decided my time needed to be redirected to current efforts rather than doing QA for someone else’s theme.

And that’s precisely my point about theme selection and these frequent reviews of current themes. If you spend too much time fighting with a theme, chuck it and go for something else. Our task is to create websites, not to debug other people’s software. There are plenty of themes to choose from. Don’t waste time=money on themes that might look great and have a lot of nice features, but they’re a pain to use. Add that to your criteria for choosing a theme for your next project.

20+ Best Free Responsive WordPress Themes 2018 to create Awesome Looking sites.

WordPress now has proven to be not only awesome blogging platform but also most popular Content Management System (CMS) of our time. It currently powers more than 27% of the total web including ThemeGrill. 🙂

With the increasing use and popularity of WordPress, the number of WordPress themes is also increasing rapidly. There are thousands of free responsive WordPress themes out there but quality ones are always hard to find. Thus, I have hand-picked some of the quality free responsive WordPress themes that will help you create awesome looking sites. You can create a personal blog, magazine, business, corporate, photography, portfolio and any kind of sites with these themes. Below mentioned themes are responsive at the same time meaning your site will look awesome in desktops, laptops, tablets and hand-held devices.

I hope this list will help you find the theme that will suit your site and make it stand out among others. I have tried to collect themes that would cover a diverse range of use and help you create from simple blogging site to advanced business site.

There will be obstacles, there will be mistakes but with hard work, there are no limits. After all, hard work pays off. Flash theme is the outcome of long research and consistent work of passionate WordPress developers at ThemeGrill. The fine-tuned design and flawless functions are just amazing – unbelievable to be in a free theme. Don’t trust me, check the theme demos yourself.

Flash is a fully flexible multipurpose responsive WordPress theme FREE . Built with Site Origin’s page builder and Flash Toolkit plugin, it offers you a super easy interface for customizing the theme. Flash Toolkit plugin comes with 11+ awesome custom widgets which you can place anywhere you like. Therefore, you can add and customize various sections like about, heading, service, call to action, team, portfolio, slider etc.

Furthermore, Flash theme features WordPress Live Customizer, WooCommerce support, custom CSS option, multiple color options, social icons etc. It is an advanced theme which anyone can use without using any code – just follow the theme instructions and get your site ready in no time.

Spacious is flagship product of ours. It is downloaded more than 900 times daily on average, that alone speaks of its popularity and usage. You can view more stats and reviews on it here.

Spacious is an incredibly spacious multipurpose responsive theme coded & designed with a lot of care and love. You can use it for your business, portfolio, blogging or any type of site. As name suggests, we wanted to give more space for content and more space between sections to make the theme stand out. It has 4 page layouts, 2 page templates, 4 blog display types, 13 widgets areas, 5 custom widgets focusing on business template, awesome slider, primary color option to match your logo & website, boxed & wide layout, light & dark color skin, translation ready and many more.

To get more familiar on using the theme you can view the theme instruction here and video tutorials here. As with our all themes, support for theme is absolutely free. Have any confusion with the theme, just put your queries here.

Have you ever thought about having one theme and use it for multiple websites? Well, I mean a theme that is sufficient for creating websites for a wide array of purposes and niches including business, agency, corporate, or portfolio.

If yes, here is what you need – Suffice . It is a highly flexible, powerful, and probably the most customizable free WordPress theme ever. Just as the name suggests, the theme is sufficient for anyone willing to create multiple websites for various purposes. The theme is fully customizable so as to let you create any type of website you like.

Suffice is a free responsive drag and drop Word Press theme powered by Suffice Toolkit plugin and Page Builder by SiteOrigin . The theme presents extended customization options, and elegant design along with simplicity and ease of use. Suffice Toolkit contains more than 11 handy custom widgets which you can easily add, mix and match on the pages, posts as well as other widget-ready areas. Therefore, beginners without any coding experience also can quickly create professional websites using this theme. Also, you can import the theme demo with a single click, customize, and get a website ready in a matter of minutes.

Zerif Lite.

Zerif Lite is clean and modern one page style responsive WordPress theme which happens to be the main product of ThemeIsle. It is one of the most popular free WordPress themes ever. The fine folks over ThemeIsle give top priority in making a theme simple and easy to use. And, yes this theme is a piece of cake to use and setup.

This theme is suitable for web agency business, corporate business, personal & parallax business portfolio, photography, digital studio, product showcase and many more. Supports popular WordPress plugins like WooCommerce and WPML premium plugin which will help you create eCommerce and multilingual site respectively. The theme will look spectacular in any devices of your choice.

Zerif Lite is fully based on Customizer tool that allows you to live preview all the changes and modifications as you make. It is simple and easy to use, you will create a complete site in no time.

A beautiful creation by aThemes, Sydney is one of the most popular free WordPress themes in the official WP theme repo. You will get amazed to see the elegant design and incomparable capabilities the theme offers to let you create an awesome online presence.

Sydney is a powerful business WordPress theme with parallax backgrounds. The theme is fully responsive so that your site content is sure to look amazing on any device ensuring a great user experience. Sydney is a simple, easy to use and feature-rich theme. It is based on Live WordPress Customizer so that you’ll be able to customize the theme quickly with live previews. You will love plenty of customization possibilities the theme has provided.

It features full-screen slider, full color control, layout control, sticky navigation, Google fonts, header image, social icons etc. Above all, front page blocks are awesome – you can instantly create an outstanding homepage using the blocks provided by the theme. An awe-inspiring homepage will help you stand out – the first impression is the last.

Are you on a search for a free responsive magazine WordPress theme? Then, look no further your search stops here. This is the first fully magazine style WordPress theme from ThemeGrill.

Suitable for news, newspaper, magazine, publishing, business and any kind of sites. This theme can undoubtedly compete with any premium magazine style theme out there. ColorMag will give your blogging or magazine site a beautiful, modern, clean, crisp, polished and well-organized look. Just focus on writing great content and adding awesome images in your magazine site, everything else will be smoothly handled by this theme. If you are a lover of a colorful magazine site, then you will find the different color for different categories feature available in this theme to be an interesting one. Let the colors speak for their respective category.

We have put a lot of research and effort work to make this theme a perfect fit for your magazine site. Try it, you may not find easier theme than this.

Himalayas is rock-solid modern style free one page parallax responsive WordPress theme. Inform your visitors all they need to know right from your home page without requiring to go to the other pages. Himalayas can be used for business, portfolio, corporate, agency, photography, freelancers and almost any kind of sites.

Showcase all services, portfolios, blog, team members, call to action buttons, about page, contact page of your company or site just in a page. All these sections in the home page are actually widgets. Add these widgets to ‘Front Page Sidebar’, create a custom menu and your one page site is all set. If you get confused just visit this instruction page.

As all these sections are widgets, just scroll them up and down in ‘Front Page Sidebar’ and you get complete control of the order of section in one page. The smooth scrolling to respective section while clicking on the menu items is fascinating. The theme also has full width big slider right at the top to highlight some of your pages. In case you need additional features, it also has the pro version which you can check it out here. If you are looking for one page theme, then look no further Himalayas certainly can be the next face of your site and you will love it.


Accelerate is multipurpose WordPress theme made for simplicity and ease of use. The theme is responsive, designed to strengthen your site and give awesome impression to your visitors yet keeping everything simple and easy.

The theme has awesome features like boxed & wide layout, primary color, home page slider that will help make your theme own. The business template and custom-made widgets like TG: Services, TG: Call to Action, TG: Recent Work create an awesome business site making your business ahead and strong than of your competitors. The header widget area available will help you to put any content you like in header and highlight it with the widgets of your choice. This theme is a piece of art that has this premium look and feel which will make your site stand out. Supports all post formats. Thus, blogging with this theme will be awesome.

One interesting thing, this our ‘ThemeGrill Blog’ also uses this Accelerate theme. It is child theme with few minor changes only. Give a try to this theme and give your site a professional look to attract visitors.

Llorix One Lite.

Say hello to one of the most flexible free theme of 2016, 2017 and 2018 in this theme listing. Llorix One Lite is one of the trending free WordPress themes at WordPress : the official WordPress free themes repository.

Llorix One Lite comes with beautiful one page design which is very easy to use and customize. With its elegant parallax effect, this theme will certainly make a good impression on your site visitors. The theme can be used for small business, startup mobile app, agency, corporate, photography portfolio and many more. The theme is fully compatible with tons of popular plugins like WooCommerce, WPML, bbPress, Photo Gallery Grid, Contact Form 7, Meta Slider, SiteOrigin Page Builder, JetPack and many other plugins which adds to the flexibility of this awesome theme. Give this theme a try, Llorix One Lite can certainly be the next face of your site.

Ample is latest responsive multipurpose WordPress theme. The site will help you create modern looking business, blogging, portfolio or magazine site.

Full width slider at the top looks awesome. The theme has business template along with custom TG custom widgets targeted to create awesome and professional business site. What make this business template awesome is the background image, background color and parallax effect can be applied to different section of the theme making the theme unique. This is usually available in premium themes only but we have made this available with Ample to match the quality & feel of premium themes. The theme can shrink and grow according to your requirement.

eStore is one of the unique and latest beautiful WooCommerce themes for 2018. The world is changing and so is the web world, eCommerce has now become one of the important aspects for any business. Now, when it comes to online store it is quite important that you should be able to showcase your featured products, products category, most selling items and simply speaking all your products in easy and organized manner. Now, eStore theme does exactly the same.

eStore has taken every thing to the next level. Cart, checkout, category collection page, shop page and everything is designed with utmost care. The eStore WooCommerce template gives you full control on what your site should look like. It is all widgetized, in simple terms: you can move everything section up and down as you like. Going one step further, it not only has awesome integration with WooCommerce plugin but also with YITH WooCommerce plugin, your store visitors now can create a wishlist of products in your store and later come back and purchase.

eStore is actually fit for other purposes as well – create a beautiful magazine or blogging website. Check out this magazine demo. Here’s the instruction page for this theme.

Talon is a multipurpose WordPress theme suitable for various kinds of businesses and website niches. The theme is carefully coded by the professional developers to meet your need for a modern theme ensuring the best WordPress practices. You will find the theme incredibly user-friendly, simple, and powerful.

The theme is feature-rich and offers plenty of customization capabilities so that you have the freedom to create a site that suits your business/ brand. You can customize most of the theme options from cool Customizer tool instantly. Change the colors, fonts, icons, footer and more from the Customizer with live previews.

Moreover, page builder support makes the theme awesome. Talon theme has deep integration with the SiteOrigin’s Page Builder plugin which enable you to create beautiful pages for your business site. Furthermore, the theme features Google fonts, multiple blog layouts, widgetized footer, header styles etc.

Optimizer theme is a multipurpose WordPress theme which will help you optimize your brand and business. It is one of the most flexible free theme supported by awesome drag and drop widgets. You can quickly create a professional looking unique design website with this theme using the handy widgets and live customizer tool.

The theme is fluid responsive which fits perfectly with any device. Your site content will look amazing on mobile screens without missing any single piece of content. Furthermore, it is lightweight so that your site will load faster ensuring awesome user-experience. Actually, nobody will curse for the site speed.

Optimizer theme is SEO friendly which is coded with the best WordPress technologies. Create amazing content and publish it beautifully, your site is sure to get better ranks on Google and other search engines. It is translation ready – easily translate into any language you want.

Everly Lite.

If you are fan of clean and minimal design with the blend of both classic and modern design, Everly Lite is certainly a perfect theme for you. It is an elegant and eye-pleasing free WordPress theme for bloggers, photographers, journalists, and professionals of all walks of life.

The theme provides an incomparably sleek and beautiful design so that your website content looks stunning and impressive to your site visitors. It offers multiple website layouts ( 4 demos for free version) – default with sidebar layouts, grid style, full-width, and magazine style . Furthermore, you can customize the website design as per your imagination easily and build beautiful sites.

Created with SEO and UX in mind, it is fully mobile responsive, fast loading and retina ready. Given that Google takes speed as a major ranking factor, Everly Lite maintains the high-quality, clean, and clutter free code so that your site loads faster. In addition, it features social media integration, shortcodes, audio and video posts, video embed, email subscription, etc.

Vantage is a revolutionary free WordPress theme from SiteOrigin the same author behind SiteOrigin PageBuilder which is the most popular free page builder out there. This theme and PageBuilder was made side by side so the integration between them is flawless giving you the super power to create any site from simple blog to an advanced business site.

Vantage also works with other popular plugins like Meta Slider and WooCommerce. Thus, you can highlight your content with Meta Slider anywhere you like and turn your site into Store to sell products. Vantage is a theme that grows and shrinks with your needs. You can choose not to install any of the supported plugins if you don’t need them, and Vantage will continue working without any problems.

Download Vantage and discover the beauty of a theme that lets you choose exactly what you want it to be.


If you are looking for theme that perfectly supports WooCommerce to turn your site into store then Storefront is the theme for you. Actually, this theme is from WooThemes, same author/team behind the WooCommere plugin. Storefront is an intuitive & flexible, free WordPress theme offering deep integration with WooCommerce. It’s the perfect platform for your next WooCommerce project.

Storefront is built and maintained by WooCommerce core developers so you can rest assured the integration between WooCommerce, WooCommerce extensions and Storefront is water-tight. Uptime is of utmost importance to any eCommerce site. Say goodbye to fear of conflicts between theme and plugin during major WooCommerce updates. If you want different fancy look then they have some child theme as well to have your demands covered. You can try Deli and Boutique. You can find more in their product page, just click the link below.


GeneratePress is free responsive multipurpose WordPress theme. The theme is lightweight, powerful, fast and easy to use.

The author has put a lot of effort and imagination in making this theme super-easy, super-flexible, super-fast and SEO friendly. GeneratePress uses microdata to effectively communicate with search engines and is built on an SEO friendly CSS framework which shows search engines your important content first. You can enhance the use of theme by using popular plugins like WooCommerce, bbPress and BuddyPress as the theme flawlessly support all these plugins. The theme is even fully compatible with IE8. If you are a developer and want to use this theme for your client project then hooks & filters present in the theme provide you a lot of flexibility.

If you want to add more functionality to the theme then you can just purchase their premium add-on plugin which helps you alter many things like typography, colors, backgrounds, page header and many more.

Fit Coach is free responsive WordPress Theme which is perfect for any person or business based around classes or a schedule. If you have a fitness, yoga, gym, training site then this theme will be a perfect fit.

As with other themes by Modern Themes, this theme is also packed with array of useful features that will give you complete control over the theme. Some of the amazing features included in this theme are unlimited color options, google font selector, xml sample content and many more. All the options available are in the Customize screen of dashboard, change anything and preview it before saving the changes.

Moesia is very solid WordPress theme. You will love the features and design offered by the theme. Big header image looks cool and helps to create stunning impression to your visitors.

Moesia is a striking business theme you can use to build an effective online presence. Choose from eleven predefined blocks and build the homepage that best suits your company. Each of the homepage blocks can have a parallax background image & background color feature coupled with animated effects give the theme modern look that can be matched with premium themes. Moesia also features a selection of Google Fonts, two types of layouts for the blog page, cool animations and effects, a parallax header and much more.

‘Sparkling’ is a clean, modern, flat design theme developed using Bootstrap 3. The frontend framework optimizes this theme for smartphones, tablets, desktops and any other device. With pixel perfect design, awesome widgets and full-screen slider it stands out among WordPress themes. It has a premium look and feel that can’t be confused with anything in the market.

The theme is SEO friendly with Schema compatible structure that will make Google love your website. The theme supports most if not all free and premium plugins such as Gravity Forms, Contact Form 7, SEO by Yoast, W3 Total Cache and many more. This is an ideal theme for personal and corporate websites in health, fitness, education, finance, business, travel, web design, marketing or any other niche.

Gridsby is a free photo-blogging WordPress theme designed and hand-made for photographers. Finding a well-suited theme for photographers can be difficult but this theme will make this job easy for you. The theme showcases your pictures in pinterest style right from the home page which makes this more awesome. The pictures are highlighted in the eyes of users whereas text remain at back giving full focus to the images.

Gridsby has responsive design, retina ready design elements, and includes an easy method for post photos to the front page gallery. It may be simple but that simplicity gives it a great look and feel that should be perfect for inspiration gathering, photo journaling, and more.

Onetone is a wonderful one page WordPress theme. It is free, but it works like a premium one. It has responsive design and is built on HTML5 and CSS3.

As a theme made for business, its one-page homepage provides all your business information within the page. In addition, it offers you the greatest freedom to customize your homepage, e. g., you can customize background video, gallery, and the bottom area in which you can put anything. In the gallery section, the friendly layout allows you to showcase your competitive products easily. Onetone adapts responsive design which makes it works well on all desktops, tablet PCs and mobile devices including iPhone, iPad, Samsung Galaxy Note, Galaxy Tab, etc.

If you want to build clean, white and impressive site, Powen can be an ideal choice for you. The theme is modern and charming.

The header section is clean with lots of white space, consists of two menus that slides from side when clicked upon. If you want to create social site then social icons at the top will help you to do just that. Powen has been specially designed for blogging websites however it can easily be customized for any purpose. as it offers plenty of customization options, The cool slider at the top helps to highlight your content. The theme comes with lot of awesome features like recent posts widget, custom background, search engine friendly semantic markup, great support for child themes, theme settings and many more.

Stargazer is one of the most advanced themes to grace the WordPress universe. The theme is made by Justin Tadlock who is one of the WordPress admins at wordpress. There are few themes that have many features while still follows the best coding practices and standards, Stargazer just happens to be one of them.

The theme is built on solid Hybrid Core framework. It uses WordPress’ built-in theme customizer to deliver customization options right to you. The theme is responsive and will look awesome in any device of your choice. Supports posts formats so your videos, images and audios will have fantastic look. Like any good theme, it is translation-ready and RTL-compatible out of the box. Also, you will find ample of child themes for this theme in the below link. You can try those to alter between design and features.

I will be adding more to list.

Sanjip Shah.

Founder at ThemeGrill. Started WordPress in early 2012. Knows how to design and code. In my free time, I occupy myself with movies, friends, online games like Dota 2 and many more random stuffs. Follow me on twitter at @sanjipshah.

108 thoughts on “ 20+ Best Free Responsive WordPress Themes 2018 to create Awesome Looking sites ”

Looking for a Responsive wordpress theme for my marketing my studio business. Seems Moesia will fit in my requirements.

Can you please suggest me any other alternatives.

Moesia is actually an excellent choice. The big header image helps to make good impression on users. Page builder along with custom widgets makes the theme even more customizable and you can build any layout you like. The parallax background for different sections give the theme modern look.

You can try Ample which is latest theme from ThemeGrill specially designed to make business theme. I would have to say as all themes are free you can give a try to anyone and find a perfect fit for you.

Hi, Recently we have developed free wordpress blog theme for everyone that loves simple, minimalist design. It is called “Briar” and it is built on bootstrap framework with features such as responsive layout, parallax animations etc.

We would be grateful if you could list this theme on your blog post and help us spread a word about it.

Just checked your theme and it really looks nice. I will think of writing about this theme in our other upcoming post that would suit this theme. Obrigado.

That’s a great list of themes Sanjip! And the best part is that all of them are free! I’ll definitely check them out for my next project. Obrigado por compartilhar.

very good collection.

Thanks for the list Sanjip. The number of WordPress themes is overwhelming. I had some experience with WordPress a few years back so can probably manage the theme ok once installed. I need a simple theme that would be good for promoting a book I have written, and allow posts with reader comments. If it had a way to allow readers to get book downloads after submitting email and password that would be great (not sure if that is a wordpress function or an add-on).

Really awesome free collection. But with Zerif Lite theme I’m unable to change logo of zerif . Is there any best way to get ride of these problem.

I researched and downloaded several of these themes. There were a few winners, but I have to say that several were disappointing if not outright poorly coded AND annoying in their tactics for gathering info or leading you to other software downloads – always a scary proposition. Please check all theme list once again.

I have personally downloaded and tested these themes. Me myself as a developer, I don’t see any of the above themes being poorly coded or leading to other software downloads. If you could be specific on which theme you are referring to, then I would like to check it once again. Obrigado.

HI I am looking to start a commercial janitorial cleaning service website with one of these themes, which one do you suggest.

I am searching for theme for my new project. Here i found a responsive website design theme. Obrigado.

All responsive wordpress theme collections are good. Nice worl.

All themes are awesome and good looking. I definately purchase for my next project.

All collection is very useful. Obrigado por compartilhar.

nice collection of wp responsive themes. My favorite is Zerif Lite theme. obrigado por compartilhar.

This wordpress themes list is very good and useful for me.

Lovely themes. Planning to use it!

Thanks for your sharing, I’m finding a responsive and elegant restaurant WP Theme for my site. Can you suggest for me some high-quality WP Theme?

Hi, I will think of adding a list for responsive restaurant WP themes soon. Meanwhile, we have just released a new plugin to create awesome beautiful restaurant menus you can check on it themegrill/plugins/restaurantpress/. You can use this plugin with any of our themes or themes in above list.

Obrigado por sua sugestão. I’m looking forward to your responsive restaurant WP themes collection.

Obrigado por compartilhar.

This is Great Collection of free wordpress themes. Thanks Sanjip Shah for share this nice themes collection with us.

great collection Sanjip . Thanks for the share fist time i see Onetone and i am in love with this theme !

I downloaded Ample but the header image is unavailable, you have to use your own. Am I doing something wrong or is it supposed to be blank?

Yes, you need to upload your own images. You can view the instruction here themegrill/theme-instruction/ample/. Also, you get stuck somewhere you can put your query here themegrill/support-forum/.

I wonder if it is important to have a responsive theme?

Obrigado por seu comentário. Yes, it is very important to have responsive site as there are many visitors from mobile only. If you search on google you can get the stats on the mobile users as well.

Thanks for sharing the list. Ecommerce themes that are powered by WooCommerce, therefor you can choose any of WooCommerce themes for your multipurpose. For example: Storefront, It is really flexible theme with several demos.

Thanks for the great wordpress theme list. there are soo many interesting themes out there! But consider the theme speed as a big seo factor. so clean code and structure is important.

Nice collection of themes you have shared with us. TemplateToaster also helps to generate fully responsive bootstrap powered themes in a lesser time without any hassle.

I am looking at starting a blog website that will have a membership plugin and an email plugin. I like the look of the Powen theme. Do you think this theme will be suitable.

Powen theme is a theme submitted at WordPress repo so it flows WordPress theme review standards. Therefore, it should work with any standard WordPress plugin unless the plugin requires special type of theme integration coding. As this theme is free, give it a try. 🙂

Amazing collection… I’m in love with all the themes here.

I’ll try it one for my another blog.

i love you, thanks for sharing. Deus te abençoê.

Verry cool. Obrigado pela sua partilha.

Wow, awesome collection! Just what I needed, found one that I’m going to use for one of our personal project.

Best collection of themes thanks.

My question is that how i can add top menu in “POWEN” free version as shown in “POWEN” PRO version. Instead of two Responsive menu which are at the top of right and left side in POWEN theme.

I think the respective theme author/support might provide you better help on this one so you can contact theme here supernovathemes/support/.

does any of these themes contain autocomplete search option? all themes are very good, but i need this option.

Actually, this featured falls under the plugin territory. In simple term, you could search for such plugins here wordpress/plugins. You can get started with this plugin wordpress/plugins/search-autocomplete/. 🙂 Hope this helps.

Amazing collection Thanks.

Thank you for sharing this useful article bro..

Great Collection !! I am serching theme for my project and found Accelerate suitable for my niche. Obrigado.

I’ve use Ample for a new fashion related blog fashion in agnesmarques and it was really nice to use it. Soon I will go to Pro version!

Thanks for the listing ! I used the Sparkling WordPress theme for a while and it’s pretty good.

awesome collection! i like it, thanks for sharing. Deus te abençoê.

Obrigado pela informação. you got such a nice collections.

cool theme and it responsive one that the good thing about this theme.. I really like it thanks for the share.

Now, i’m looking for theme to one of my site, i need theme responsive and eye-catching, I think i need to talk with you.

All the themes in the above list are responsive and eye-catching (I have selected the ones that are designed beautiful and pleasant to the eyes). So, you can go ahead and try any of the themes above.

If you have a unique requirement for your site then you can contact me via themegrill/contact/ and I will see what help I can provide.

Lovely Collection. The Free themes are getting better each and everyday. 🙂

Sim, exatamente. In fact, if we choose a nice themes from best authors, those themes will beat some of the premium ones as well. 🙂

Great summary. I have used Himalayas for one of my previous sites before. Clean, simple and well thought out. I also like the easy one page navigational style.

If any of your readers are new to WordPress and would like a guide to what to look for, I recently wrote a blog on the topic. It can help hone their search and best select one of the themes you have listed here.

Thanks for dropping by the comment. You can go ahead and add the link in the comment reply. I am certain that it will help some of the visitors here. 🙂

I already use the colormag theme for my blog. good collection.

Fantastic Research and Implementation I loved it !

Você pode ajudar? im searching for a nature based template (tags:nature, envirnoment, organic)

You can try the ‘Spacious’ tema. You can select the ‘primary color’ of your choice that would fit your nature based site. This primary color will reflect tin links, buttons and other areas of the theme, and will give the nature based feel to your site. And again, you could use the boxed layout and add a background image (suitable for your site). In addition to that a header image can also come useful. And there are many other options that you could utilize in this theme.

Hope this theme will be helpful to you. 🙂

what a great information, hopefully I can enjoy one of these theme for my blog… thank you so much, keep posting.

Its a nice collection but you forgot to mention some most popular themes such as Customizr, OnePress etc…

Yes, those are brilliant themes actually. 🙂 As mentioned at the end of the post, I will be adding more to the list when I get some free time. And I will be adding these two as well. Obrigado pela sugestão.

Thanks for sharing this great list. 🙂

Nice Post, Thanks For Sharing This Information.

Hello , Your site and post both are great one thing I notice is that image load very slowly in this site comparing to other sites. Por favor resolva este problema.

Thanks for your comment and also for the feedback on our site. We are using lazy load effect for images so that will result in less loading time for pages. May be that is causing the images to show a little late, we will definitely check on it.

So many great themes under one post. Great job, you have listed best themes here.

Thanks a lot for sharing some excellent themes idea with us. We can select our best themes from your list. I have worked with “Llorix One Lite” and it worked very nicely. I am really satisfied with this themes.

Nice collection of WordPress theme according to almost all category and types. WordPress is the top blogging platform and have a great great collection of Free and paid WordPress theme which is used by millions of Online Bloggers.

Thanks for Sharing these themes with Us.

list is amazing, appreciated.

I have been looking for some free themes to show my photos for some time now… Fortunately I came across your selection, and my real problem is that they ALL look great . I could use an advice on which one is the most customizable and featured… and free (with no ‘premium version’ adding all the options I want).

Have a nice day, and thanks again 🙂

I think you can use the Vantage theme mentioned above in this list. This theme does not have the pro version and there is a page builder SiteOrigin Pagebuilder by this same theme author. With this plugin and the theme, I think you can create the any layout you want and you can customize the theme any way you like. This plugins supports many widgets and widgets from other plugins as well. So, any type of content can be created as well.

Espero que esta informação ajude. You too have a nice day. 🙂

ColorMag is very very very good. Obrigado cara.

Can you help about a question? I want to use buddypress. Can I use in all of those themes? Or only Generate Press? I would like to undesrtand why, if not!

You can surely use BuddyPress with all of the themes yet some of the themes might not be 100% compatible with BuddyPress. So, it’s better to learn well before switching in any theme.

Hope this helped you.

Thanks for sharing this amazing FREE responsive themes collection with us.

Zerif Lite is one of my favorite WordPress theme. It’s fully responsive design, complete documentation, customized features, and it other features makes it favorite to me.

I am looking for a right theme for my blog. Its more than a year. I have been using the same theme. Hopefully, I can find a much better theme. Thanks for sharing this list.

Great Collection of Templates.

Great post with a nice collection of premium WordPress themes you have shared with us. Thanks for compiling such a useful responsive WordPress premium theme collection. and I am using ‘Charity’ responsive, flexible and Bootstrap powered theme for charitable trusts, non-profit organizations, NGO, small charity firms.

This is actually a collection of FREE WordPress themes, not the premium themes.

Anyways thanks for sharing your experience with us. Hope the theme may be a great alternative for our post readers as well.

Can you share the demo file for “himalayas” theme with me. mail it to (obachasteventures@gmail)

You can import the demo file for Himalayas Pro theme using ThemeGrill demo importer plugin while demo import feature for Himalayas FREE theme is not yet available.

Yet we have provided demo import feature in our other popular FREE themes which you can see and download from the link here: themegrill/theme-demo-file-downloads/

Thank you for the list Sanjip. What theme would you pick or recommend for a life coaching/Mindfulness coaching?

Você é bem vindo.

Well, we have a collection of the best FREE WordPress Fitness themes. Please go through the list, pick anyone and create a website for life coaching/ mindfulness coaching.

Espero que isto ajude. 🙂

Hi , Thanks for your good collection , i got Stargazer theme for my blog . And more question i want to move hosting to HostGator Should I buy hosting at it not so?

Nice to know that you like our collection.

Regarding your question, I suggest you do an online research on ‘WordPress Hosting Providers’. Rather than saying that ONE Hosting is superior to ANOTHER, I think you have to choose depending on your need, budget, traffic stats etc. There are actually various types of hosting plans. So you have enough options. Espero que isto ajude. 🙂

Thanks for Sharing, its a really Amazing Collection.

I have used Biznetic for one of my client’s site. it has lots of interesting features.

hi am looking for a good responsive woodpress theme that has footer widgets, infinite down scroll, that displays authors profile, slide function, and adsense compatibility.

You can use any of the above-mentioned WordPress themes as they are completely responsive and they provide most of the features that you mentioned. Second, the features not provided in the theme by default can be easily added using easy to use plugins. Espero que isto ajude.

Your blog held my interest right to the very end, which is not always an easy thing to do.

I am looking a theme for my trekking blog but i could not what i want.

We have another collection of WordPress blog themes. Please check this post: themegrill/blog/free-personal-blog-wordpress-themes/

I am pretty sure that you’ll find a great theme for your trekking blog.

Hi, First of all, these responsive WordPress themes are the great collection. All of them are fully responsive, its hard to choose one from them. Obrigado por compartilhar.

Please provide revolution theme if possible.

All the themes on this list are multipurpose themes so you can customize them well for any purpose, be it revolution or health or business. You can try our new theme Flash which is feature-rich and multipurpose. Flash theme comes with plenty of drag and drop widgets which let you create any type of site you want. Read more about flash theme here: themegrill/blog/free-multipurpose-wordpress-theme-flash/

Thankyou so much.

nice theme i love it, Suffice Toolkit contains more than 11 handy custom widgets which you can easily add, mix and match on the pages, posts as well as other widget-ready areas. Therefore, beginners without any coding experience also can quickly create professional websites using this theme. Also, you can import the theme demo with a single click, customize, and get a website ready in a matter of minutes.

Nice collection sir . My favorite theme stargazer. I will choose this..

Great article for every wordpress developer. Or one who designs website with using wordpress.

Thank you For this Awesome Collection Sir.

thanks for the beautiful collection. i found mine.

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